Launch your project: A Step-by-Step Guide

Embarking on the journey of launching a project on Propellor is a structured process. This guide will walk you through each step, ensuring that project creators can navigate the platform with ease.

Accessing the Launch Page

  • Start on the Propellor home page. Hover over the "+Learn" option in the top menu to access a dropdown menu.
  • Select "Launch Your Project" to move forward in the process.

Submitting your Project

  • On the "Launch Your Project" page, click "Apply Now" to jump to the project submission page.

  • For first-time users, select "Start Now," while returning users should choose "Login."

  • Enter your email, continue, and then check your email for a verification code. Once you have the code, enter it on the website.

  • Follow all the steps on the screen to submit your project.

Navigating Post-Registration

  • Invited users are directed to a dashboard displaying all their created projects and their respective statuses.

Project Launch Stages

1. Project Information

Start by filling out our initial application form, where you can introduce your project. Our team will evaluate whether your project is ready for an IDO.

2. Due Diligence

If your project passes the first phase, we will proceed to gather more detailed information about your business and team to ensure it meets all the requirements for a successful raise.

3. Token Acceleration Program

Once your Due Diligence is approved, you'll enter our Token Acceleration program. Here, we'll provide comprehensive guidance on preparing your token for a successful launch.

4. Token Launch

With all the necessary details ready, you can upload your project page to our platform using our user-friendly editing tools. Our team will handle all the technical aspects in the background to ensure a smooth sale.

5. Collect Funds

After the raise, you can access all the details through your dashboard and request the raised funds, which will be sent to your project wallet.

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